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ROHATSU is the celebration of the Buddha’s enlightenment. In Zen, it is known as 臘八, pronounced Rōhatsu or Rōhachi. In Japanese, the word literally means 8th day of the 12th month. It is typical for Zen monks to stay up the entire night before Rōhatsu practicing meditation, and the holiday is often preceded by an intensive sesshin.

In our lay practice sitting through the night may not be practical, but we can exercise our intention in a longer sesshin:

On Thursday, December 3, we will start with our regular evening sitting at 6: 30 pm, meditate through Friday from 6:30 am until 5:00 pm, start at 7: 00 am on Saturday and end at 5:00 pm.

Sorry, the Zendo is closed until further notice, but you are welcome to join in any time on zoom:

Please consider a generous donation for the sesshin.

The Enlightenment Ceremony will be celebrated on Sunday, December 6, in place of the morning talk, at 10:15 am.

enlightenment buddha.jpg
Earlier Event: November 30
Full Moon Bodhisattva Ceremony
Later Event: December 20