Well-Being Ceremony
namu butsu
yo butsu u in
yo butsu u en
buppo so en
jo raku ga jo
cho nen kanzeon
bo nen kanzeon
nen nen ju shin ki
nen nen fu ri shin (7x)
(English Translation
Avalokiteshvara, Perceiver of the cries of the world,
takes refuge in Buddha,
will be a Buddha,
helps all to be Buddhas,
is not separate from Buddha, Dharma, Sangha —
being eternal, intimate, pure and joyful.
In the morning, be one with Avalokiteshvara,
In the evening, be one with Avalokiteshvara,
whose heart, moment by moment, arises,
whose heart, moment by moment, remains!)
All Buddhas throughout space and time
all honored ones, bodhisattva-mahasattvas
wisdom beyond wisdom
maha prajna paramita