to May 20

The Roots of Goodness

  • Milwaukee Zen Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Three eras of Buddha Dharma are combined in this new publication:

The Buddha taught that every person is capable of greatness by practicing eight key qualities in their life, from having few desires and not engaging in useless arguments to knowing what is enough. These timeless teachings were later expanded upon by the prolific thirteenth-century Zen master Eihei Dōgen in his final teaching before his death—values that, despite their age, perennially ring true.
In The Roots of Goodness, the late Japanese Zen teacher Kōshō Uchiyama Rōshi bridges the gap between the eras of these ancient masters and today, delivering insightful, relatable, and rich commentary that brings these eight qualities into focus and directly applies them to the complexities of modern life.

DAITSŪ TOM WRIGHT was born and raised in Wisconsin. After being active in the civil rights and anti–Vietnam War movements, he went to Japan in 1967 and lived there for over forty years, teaching English and other subjects at Ryukoku University in Kyoto. He was ordained by Uchiyama Kōshō Rōshi as a Buddhist priest in 1974 and continued to receive his teachings until 1998, the same year that Wright received transmission from Takamine Dōyū Rōshi.
(quoted from Shambala Publications)

The course text, the book by Daitsu Tom Wright, The Roots of Goodness. Zen Master Dogen's Teaching on the Eight Qualities of a Great Person, will be available for $20.00 at MZC.

Please sign up by email at info@mkzen.org
Suggested donation $60.00 for non-members of MZC

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7:00 AM07:00


Join us for a peaceful day of silent sitting, walking meditation, a short dharma talk, moving and/or outdoor walking meditation, chanting services and two formal meals.

There will be time for dokusan. Please sign up.

This event will be broadcast by zoom teleconferencing.
Use the same zoom link as usual by clicking on the button on the website.

We will have formal oryoki breakfast and lunch. Oryoki bowls can be borrowed.
The food is vegetarian, and you may contact me with special needs.

Please register by sending an email to info@mkzen.org.

Fee for non-members is $30, and membership discounts apply.

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7:00 AM07:00

HALF-DAY Sitting

You are invited to a peaceful morning of silent sitting. This is a good start for a beginning sitter, to try out a longer period.

We offer a vegetarian oryoki breakfast. Let Reirin know if you have any dietary needs. Bring your own oryoki bowls or borrow some from us.

Fee: $20 for non-members
Please register by email: info@mkzen.org

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9:00 AM09:00

EARTH DAY Ceremony and River Walk

Please join us for a short ceremony in honor of EARTH DAY 2025 and a leisurely walk along the Milwaukee River. We’ll meet at 9 am at the Arch in the parking lot west of Urban Ecology Center.

You may join us in the zendo for our usual morning program at 6:10 am (or 7:00 for the second zazen period) and an informal breakfast.

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10:15 AM10:15


Today’s Dharma talk will be given by guest speaker Rev. Taizen Dale Verkuilen, He will introduce a book by his late wife and collaborator Rev. Renshin Barbara Verkuilen:
Dancing with the Benefactors: Exploring the Wisdom of the Flower Ornament Sutra.

You may familiarize yourself beforehand with the book:
a free PDF of the book is available on
firethroatpress.com in Study Guides

About Renshin Verkuilen
The author trained as a psychotherapist, practicing for twenty years in various Wisconsin locations. She studied and practiced Zen Buddhism for fifty-five years under a number of teachers. She co-founded the Midwest Soto Zen Community and it publishing arm, Firethroat Press. She is also the author of four books and numerous study guides. Her association with the psychotherapist, David Grove, and his non-interpretative, supposition-free approach to accessing intuitive knowledge, produced two innovative adaptations – Metaphor Awareness and Enhanced Emergent Knowledge – both of which were integral to her counseling therapy and Zen practice.

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11:30 AM11:30

VERNAL EQUINOX and Potluck Lunch

Celebrations of the year’s seasonal milestones is an important part of the Buddhist liturgy.

The Vernal Equinox marks the beginning of Spring in the Northern hemisphere, and from now on the days will be getting longer again. Animals and plants respond to the increase in sunlight and get ready for life and procreation.

Buddhists are aware of our deep connection with all other creatures, and we joyfully take part in a ceremony of gratitude for the generous offerings that we are receiving all year around.

Please be prepared to share a poem or song in the special service on this auspicious day, as we reflect on the teachings of impermanence and interdependence.

After the celebration, we will meet for a potluck lunch.

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7:00 AM07:00

Half-Day Sitting and FULL MOON Ceremony

Today we will celebrate the Full Moon Bodhisattva Ceremony after the dharma talk.
Everybody is welcome to join!

We offer a vegetarian oryoki breakfast. Let Reirin know if you have any dietary needs. Bring your own oryoki bowls or borrow some from us.

You may also join by zoom. Please use the button on the homepage.

Suggested donation: $20 for non-members.
Please register by email: info@mkzen.org

7:00 am zazen
7:30 kinhin
7:40 zazen

8:10 morning service
8:20 oryoki breakfast
9:00 soji and break

9:40 zazen
10:10 dharma talk
10:30 Full Moon Bodhisattva Ceremony

11:00 break
11:10 zazen
11:40 kinhin
11:50 zazen

12:20 pm noon service
12:30 end of day

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to Mar 25


  • Milwaukee Zen Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Heart of Great Perfect Wisdom Sutra (Prajna Paramita Hridaya Sutra in Sanskrit) is the shortest of all Mahayana sutras and is chanted daily in temples all over the world. It presents the teaching of emptiness as the major doctrine of the Mahayana schools, but is not easy to understand for an uninitiated practitioner. “The popularity of the Heart Sutra … lies not only in its brevity but also in the elusiveness of its meaning.” (Mu Soeng)

This class seeks to clarify the seemingly mysterious content, which promises awakening to the true nature of reality and freedom from suffering once and for all. Thich Nhat Hanh, the late Vietnamese Buddhist teacher offered a new translation and commentary in an attempt to make the Heart Sutra accessible for us.

This course can be understood as a continuation of the previous class on Buddhist Psychology, but can also be taken on its own.

Course Text: Thich Nhat Hanh, THE OTHER SHORE. A New Translation of the Heart Sutra With Commentaries

Class fee: $60.00
Registration by email to info@mkzen.org

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10:30 AM10:30


February 15 is the traditional date for the commemoration of Shakyamuni Buddha’s death and his passing into Parinirvana. It is a solemn ceremony with offerings, a reading, chanting and circumambulation of the altar. It will take place during the Half-Day Sitting, in the place of the moving meditation at 10:30 am.

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7:00 AM07:00

HALF-DAY SITTING and Parinirvana Ceremony

You are invited to a peaceful morning of silent sitting. This is a good start for a beginning sitter, to try out a longer period.

Today, on the day of the Buddha’s death, we will celebrate his entry into Parinirvana.

We offer a vegetarian oryoki breakfast. Let Reirin know if you have any dietary needs. Bring your own oryoki bowls or borrow some from us.

Fee: $20 for non-members; membership discount applies.
Please register by email: info@mkzen.org

You may also join by Zoom: 349 905 3117 password: 2825

7:00 am zazen
7:30 kinhin
7:40 zazen

8:10 morning service
8:20 oryoki breakfast
9:00 soji and break

9:40 zazen
10:10 dharma talk
10:30 Parinirvana Ceremony

11:00 break
11:10 zazen
11:40 kinhin
11:50 zazen

12:20 pm noon service
12:30 end of day

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7:30 AM07:30

FULL MOON Bodhisattva Ceremony

Every month, on the full moon morning, we renew our bodhisattva precepts in an ancient ceremony. It is not necessary to have received the Buddhist precepts in order to join in this celebration, as these are universal values.

This month it will take place on Wednesday, February 12, at 7:30 am, in the place of morning service, after zazen.
The whole morning will be available on ZOOM.

The full moon has a special meaning in Zen: As it is reflected in each dewdrop, so is buddhanature reflected in each of us.

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7:00 AM07:00


Join us for a peaceful day of silent sitting, walking meditation, a short dharma talk, moving and/or outdoor walking meditation, chanting services and two formal meals.

There will be time for dokusan. Please sign up.

This event will be broadcast by zoom teleconferencing.
Use the same zoom link as usual by clicking on the button on the website.

We will have formal oryoki breakfast and lunch. Oryoki bowls can be borrowed.
The food is vegetarian, and you may contact me with special needs.

Please register by sending an email to info@mkzen.org.

Fee for non-members is $30, and membership discounts apply.

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7:00 AM07:00

Half-Day Sitting

You are invited to a peaceful morning of silent sitting. This is a good start for a beginning sitter, to try out a longer period.

We offer a vegetarian oryoki breakfast. Let Reirin know if you have any dietary needs. Bring your own oryoki bowls or borrow some from us.

Fee: $20 for non-members; membership discount applies.
Please register by email: info@mkzen.org

You may also join by Zoom: 349 905 3117 password: 2825

7:00 am zazen
7:30 kinhin
7:40 zazen

8:10 morning service
8:20 oryoki breakfast
9:10 soji and break

10:00 zazen
10:30 dharma talk
11:00 short break

11:10 zazen
11:40 kinhin
11:50 zazen

12:20 pm noon service
12:30 end of day

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7:30 AM07:30

FULL MOON Bodhisattva Ceremony

Every month, on the full moon morning, we renew our bodhisattva precepts in an ancient ceremony:
This month, we will celebrate it on Monday, January 13, at 7:30 am, in the place of morning service, after zazen.
The whole morning will be available on ZOOM.

The full moon has a special meaning in Zen: As it is reflected in each dewdrop, so is buddhanature reflected in each of us.

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to Feb 10

The SIX REALMS - Buddhist Psychology

  • Milwaukee Zen Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This six-weeks’ class deals with the problems of our lives and how we can learn to overcome them, in fact create a permanently peaceful mind.
At any time in our lives we may find ourselves in one of several mind states that Buddhist psychology compares to the Six Realms of Samsara: the realm of hungry ghosts, hell realm, animal realm, the realm of the jealous titans, the gods or that of humans. All these are ruled by Yama, the God of Death.

Please familiarize yourself with the course Text by Karuna Cayton, THE MISLEADING MIND. How We Create Our Own Problems and How Buddhist Psychology Can Help Us Solve Them

It is recommended to participate in person, which makes the discussion more lively and enjoyable, but zoom will also be available. Please use the button on the homepage.

Registration by email to info@mkzen.org
Suggested Donation: $60.00

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11:00 AM11:00

BPF New Year's Peace Gathering

2025 New Year's Peace Gathering
and Potluck

January 1, 2025, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
hosted by Milwaukee Zen Center
2825 N Stowell Ave, Milwaukee

11:00 am Welcome and Introduction
11:10 Silent Meditation
11:15 Loving Kindness Meditation
11:20 Sangha Leaders present teachings from their tradition
11:40 Open Sharing
12:15 pm Lunch and Socializing

Donations to BPF are greatly appreciated!

(checks may be made out to Milwaukee Zen Center, marked BPF)

The Buddhist Peace Fellowship
of Milwaukee

You may bring to share:

  • reflections or readings on peace

  • a dish for lunch

  • clean socks for unhoused people

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to Jan 1


  • Milwaukee Zen Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Everyone is invited to our traditional New Year’s Sitting with alternate periods of zazen and walking meditation from 8:00 pm until midnight. In this last night of the year, let us reflect on the past 12 months, and consider our intentions for the future.

At around 9:30 pm there will be a break for a snack of Japanese noodles.
At 11:45 pm the bell will be struck 108 times by the attendees.

Afterwards everybody is invited to write on a piece of paper what they would like to let go of, and these items will be offered in a fire ceremony at the end.

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5:30 PM17:30


Nature’s great cycle is celebrated in Buddhist practice with acknowledgement of impermanence and change, and also the wisdom that is behind our experience. We are aware that our inner light shines bright with wonder, awe, and gratitude for the life that we have been given and that we share with the universe.

As we celebrate the Winter Solstice, we recognize darkness as a necessary part of the yearly renewal, and we know that this darkness is not absolute: in the dark there is light, even if we don’t see it as light.

At this time, we value our intimate relationship with friends and family and gather to share meals and stories.

This year, just like last year, I would like to invite the whole sangha for 20 minutes of zazen, ceremony and potluck! If you can, please bring music, a poem or story of the season, as well as a vegetarian dish to share!

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7:30 AM07:30

FULL MOON Bodhisattva Ceremony

Every month, on the full moon morning, we renew our bodhisattva precepts in an ancient ceremony:
This month, we will celebrate it on Monday, December 16, at 7:30 am, in the place of morning service, after zazen.
The whole morning will be available on ZOOM.

The full moon has a special meaning in Zen: As it is reflected in each dewdrop, so is buddhanature reflected in each of us.

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10:30 AM10:30


Shakyamuni Buddha made a vow that he would sit in meditation until he found the truth. On the morning of the seventh day of his meditation, he saw the morning star and experienced enlightenment. This ceremony commemorates that moment. It includes chanting accompanied by a drum during a circumambulation of the Buddha Hall, while flowers rain from the sky.

At Milwaukee Zen Center we continue the tradition to emulate the Buddha’s Awakening on December 8. Please join us this year for Sunday zazen at 9:30 am, a short talk and the ceremony at 10:30 am. Afterwards we will share tea and cookies as usual. No registration is necessary.

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to Dec 7


  • Milwaukee Zen Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Milwaukee Zen Center joins Hokyoji Zen Community in this year’s ROHATSU SESSHIN. We will be leaving early, on Saturday, December 7, in order to be back in our zendo on December 8, for the Rohatsu (Enlightenment) Ceremony.
Please register directly at https://hokyoji.org/event/rohatsu-sesshin/
We are granted a discount. You may click 20% membership discount when you sign up.

Photo by Hoko Karnegis

What a world we are living in! The ancient sages knew this too, including the Buddha. The beautiful line from the Song of the Jewel Mirror Samadhi reads, "The ancient sages grieved for them (us), and offered them the Dharma." This line will be our overarching theme for Rohatsu sesshin this December. We will explore stories of the Buddha’s spontaneous teaching as he wandered the countryside, meeting living beings just as they were, and offering them illumination, not separate from the very world they found themselves living in. Together may we be inspired to receive the Dharma that melts away the root of suffering.

Retreat Leaders

Rev. Myo-O Habermas-Scher practiced with Katagiri Roshi from 1975 until his death in 1990; she also trained for twelve years in the Vipassana tradition. She received Dharma transmission in 2012 from Dokai at Hokyoji. Myo-O is a master movement teacher and teaches somatically based vocal training. In 2021 she retired after fourteen years as an interfaith staff chaplain at the University of Minnesota Medical Center, MHealth Fairview. She is also a mom and a grandmother to two little grandsons.

Rev. Kyoku Tracey Walen was ordained in 2008 and given Dharma transmission by Byakuren Judith Ragir in 2015. Her training included three years at Great Vow Zen Monastery and study with Thich Nhat Hanh at Plum Village. She lives at Hokyoji where she is a staff member and is also a teacher at Clouds in Water Zen Center in St. Paul, Minnesota.

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7:00 AM07:00

HALF-DAY Sitting

You are invited to a peaceful morning of silent sitting. This is a good start for a beginning sitter, to try out a longer period.

We offer a vegetarian oryoki breakfast. Let Reirin know if you have any dietary needs. Bring your own oryoki bowls or borrow some from us.

Fee: $20 for non-members; membership discount applies.
Please register by email: info@mkzen.org

You may also join by Zoom: 349 905 3117 password: 2825

7:00 am zazen
7:30 kinhin
7:40 zazen

8:10 morning service
8:20 oryoki breakfast
9:10 soji and break

10:00 zazen
10:30 dharma talk
11:00 short break

11:10 zazen
11:40 kinhin
11:50 zazen

12:20 pm noon service
12:30 end of day

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7:30 AM07:30

FULL MOON Bodhisattva Ceremony

Every month, on the full moon morning, we renew our bodhisattva precepts in an ancient ceremony:
This month, on Friday, at 7:30 am, in the place of morning service, after zazen.
The whole morning will be available on ZOOM.

The full moon has a special meaning in Zen: As it is reflected in each dewdrop, so is buddhanature reflected in each of us.

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9:30 AM09:30

Taigen Dan Leighton: Huayen and Dogen. Teachings on Temporality

TAIGEN DAN LEIGHTON will give a dharma talk on the connections between Huayan (Avatamsaka) School and Soto Zen, including Huayan Four Dharmadhatus as background for Soto Five Ranks. Focus will be on temporality, Huayan Ten Times and Dogen’s Being Time.

Taigen Dan Leighton is the Guiding Teacher Emeritus at Ancient Dragon Zen Gate in Chicago.
He is a Soto Zen priest and Dharma successor in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi.
Taigen first studied Buddhist art and culture in Japan in 1970, and began formal everyday zazen and Soto practice in 1975 at the New York Zen Center with Kando Nakajima Roshi. This led to his returning to graduate in East Asian Studies, and to study Japanese language at Columbia College. Through the 70s Taigen was an award-winning documentary film editor in New York and San Francisco, including work for NBC News and Bill Moyers Journal. While editing TV news, it was necessary for Taigen to learn about the one who is not busy.

Taigen left his filmmaking career in 1979 to work full time for the San Francisco Zen Center at the Tassajara Bakery and later Greens Restaurant. He was ordained in 1986 by Tenshin Reb Anderson Roshi, receiving the Dharma name Taigen Shizan (Ultimate Source Polishing Mountains). Taigen practiced and resided for years at San Francisco Zen Center, Tassajara monastery, and Green Gulch Farm Zen Center. Taigen was an elected member of the Board of San Francisco Zen Center, which he Chaired for three years. He also practiced for two years in Kyoto, Japan, 1990-92, translating Dogen with Rev. Shohaku Okumura, and practicing with several Japanese Soto Zen teachers, including one monastic practice period.

Teacher Donation welcome!

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5:00 PM17:00

SEJIKI Ceremony: Feeding the Hungry Ghosts

SEJIKI is an ancient Buddhist ceremony, a food offering to the Hungry Ghosts. A separate altar will be put up on the opposite side of the zendo, so that the spirits may not feel intimidated. There will be many delicious food items prepared (you may also add your favorite candy!) and offered.

Hungry ghosts are all those spirits who feel unsatisfied and cannot get enough nourishment. They have large stomachs and thin throats. These beings can also be within ourselves. Sejiki-e is conducted for the benefit of these sprits, to whom we offer food and the Dharma.

The ceremony will be celebrated at 5:00 pm. Afterwards you may stay for a potluck dinner and conversation.

The Sejiki Ceremony has an unusual chant from the sutra Kanromon, Gate of Sweet Nectar, which the entire assembly participates in. It contains the core teachings on the practice of making offerings and a series of incantations handed down from the Buddha. The chant forms the basis of the ritual.

At the end we will read the names of people who died in the recent past, either sangha and family members or other important people in our community. They can also include people who you did not know personally. Please send me names in writing that you would like to be included.

Please familiarize yourself with the chant prior to the actual ceremony at 6:00 pm on October 31st. See below for the transcript of the chant.

Homage to the buddhas in ten directions.
Homage to the dharma in ten directions.
Homage to the sangha in ten directions.
Homage to our original teacher, Shakyamuni Buddha.
Homage to the great merciful, compassionate reliever of suffering, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva.
Homage to the expounder of the teachings, the venerable Ananda.

Giving rise to the awakened mind, we unconditionally offer a bowl of pure food to all the hungry ghosts in every land to the farthest reaches of vast emptiness in the ten directions, including every atom throughout the entire dharma realm.  We invite all our departed ancestors going back to ancient times, the spirits dwelling in mountains, rivers, and earth, as well as demonic spirits from the untamed wilderness, to come and gather here.  Now, with deep sympathy we offer food to all of you, sincerely hoping that you will each accept this food and turn it over, making offerings to buddhas, sages, and all sentient beings throughout the vast emptiness of the universe, so that you and all the many sentient beings will be satisfied.  Moreover, we sincerely wish that your bodies be conveyed by these mantras and food so that you may depart from suffering, be liberated, find birth in heaven, and receive joy.  In accord with your intentions, may you travel freely through the pure lands in the ten directions and arouse awakened mind practicing the awakened way and in the future become a buddha without regressing.  We entreat those who have previously attained the way since ancient times to vow to realize liberation together with all beings.  Day and night, constantly protect us so that our vows will be fulfilled.  We offer food to beings throughout the dharma realm, so that every being will equally receive this fortunate offering.  Whatever virtue and merit this produces, we completely transfer and dedicate to the unsurpassed awakening with total clarity and wisdom of the whole dharma realm of true reality, that all may speedily attain buddhahood without incurring any other destinies.  May all sentient beings of the dharma realm take advantage of this teaching to quickly attain buddhahood.

KAN RO MON [Italicized portions of the text are not chanted.]

Dharani for Summoning Deceased Spirits to the Great Assembly
Nō bō bohori gyari tari tatāgyata ya

Dharani for Breaking Down the Gates of Hell and Opening Throats
Ōm boho tēiri gyatari tatāgyata ya

Dharanis Summoning the Five Tathagathas with Precious Names
Homage to the Many Jewels Tathagatha,
Nō bo bagya batēi hara bota ara tānnō ya tatāgyata ya
Removing the karma of greed, fully complete with blessing and wisdom.

Homage to the Wondrous Form Body Tathagatha,
Nō bo bagya batēi soro baya tatāgyata ya
Destroying disgrace and vileness, fully complete with good marks.

Homage to the King of Sweet Dew Tathagatha,
Nō bo bagya batēi ami ritēi arān jaya tatāgyata ya
Pouring the Dharma into body and mind, granting pleasure.

Homage to the Boundless Body Tathagatha,
Nō bo bagya batēi biho ragya taraya tatāgyata ya
Opening wide all throats, satisfying them with food and drink.

Homage to the Freedom from Fear Tathagatha,
Nō bo bagya batēi aba ēn gyara ya tatāgyata ya
Completely banishing fear, freeing all from rebirths as hungry ghosts.                  

Dedication (chanted by whole assembly):
By the positive energy of this assembly, we repay the virtue of our parents’ toil and care.  May the living be blessed with joy and longevity without misery.  May the deceased be freed from suffering and be born into peaceful nurturing.  May conscious beings in the three realms, having received the four benefactions, together with those born to suffering in the threefold path and the eight difficult situations, all thoroughly repent their errors, wash away their defects, finally depart the round of samsara, and be born in the pure land.

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to Mar 25


  • Milwaukee Zen Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is the second part of the course. New participants are welcome.
Meetings will occur on the fourth Tuesday of each month from October through March
(skipping December). Please mark your calendar for the following dates: October 22, November 26, January 28, February 25, and March 25, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Central Time.

TO REGISTER, email your interest to info@mkzen.org by October 15, 2024. Participants will be emailed the meeting link prior to the first session.

An Exploration of the Intersection between Zen Buddhism and Process Philosophy, led by Rev. Reirin Gumbel (Resident Priest, Milwaukee Zen Center) and Jay McDaniel (Chair, Center for Process Studies), this conversation will explore the synergies between Zen Buddhism and Process Philosophy, with a particular emphasis on Taoism as a foundational source for Zen.

Gumbel and McDaniel will use CHINA ROOT: Taoism, Ch'an, and Original Zen by David Hinton (Shambhala Publications, 2020) as a springboard for discussion. Participants are encouraged to read selected short sections of the book in advance of each session to enrich the dialogue.
"Chan intends to liberate us into a larger identity that is woven integrally into landscape, earth, and Cosmos."

Topics to be explored include inter-becoming, no-self, the web of life as the context for human
life, the reality of perpetual perishing, the primacy of the present moment, the contemporary
need for ecologically sensitive and socially just human communities in the larger context of
ecological civilizations, and the nature of human fulfillment, all with an understanding of
Taoism’s influence on the development of Zen Buddhism.

Each session starts promptly online at 6:00 pm Central DS Time (US) and lasts one hour, beginning with ten minutes of quiet sitting, followed by a dynamic discussion on the text.

NOTE: All communications to registrants will come from the Milwaukee Zen Center.

This circle is co-led by Dr. Jay McDaniel, a student of the late Keido Fukushima of the Rinzai
Zen tradition, chair of the board of the Center for Process Studies, and Rev. Reirin Gumbel,
the Resident Priest of the Milwaukee Zen Center from the Shunryu Suzuki lineage of Soto
Zen. Their combined insights promise an engaging exploration of Zen practice and philosophy, accessible from anywhere globally through our online format.

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7:00 AM07:00


You are invited to a peaceful morning of silent sitting. Everybody is welcome, either in person or online.

Today we are starting to host an Election Retreat (www.electionretreat.org) until November 5:
The upcoming 2024 General Election will be a watershed event in the history of our nation and the world. We are committed to working tirelessly to save all beings.
MZC is involved in the effort by hosting Dharma events, including Dharma talks, offering overnight stay for individuals and encouraging the sangha to join efforts to get out the vote:
MZC works together with organizations such as the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Souls To The Polls, and Wisconsin Interfaith Voter Engagement Campaign. Individuals can also choose to join partisan groups for canvassing. Several people will stay overnight at different places.

Several Dharma teachers will offer online talks during the next two weeks and meals will be shared locally.
Today, we offer a vegetarian oryoki breakfast. Let Reirin know if you have any dietary needs. Bring your own oryoki bowls or borrow some from us.

Fee for today’s practice: $20 for non-members; membership discount applies.
Please register by email: info@mkzen.org

You may also join by Zoom: 349 905 3117 password: 2825

7:00 am zazen
7:30 kinhin
7:40 zazen

8:10 morning service
8:20 oryoki breakfast
9:10 soji and break

9:55 zazen
10:15 dharma talk
10:45 kinhin

10:55 zazen
11:25 movement/outdoor walking
11:50 zazen
12:20 pm service

12:30 end of day / conversation

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to Nov 25

Class: Huayen Buddhism

  • Milwaukee Zen Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In the seven weeks of this class we will become familiar with the teachings of the Huayen School. Huayen is a Mahayana tradition which developed in China during the Tang dynasty. It is based on the Avatamsaka (Flower Garland) Sutra and has a close connection with Zen.

The text for the class is Francis H. Cook, Hua-yen Buddhism. The Jewel Net of Indra
It is not necessary to own the book; I will make copies of important passages for reading together and discussion.

This class will be on ZOOM only.
Click the button on the homepage:
“Start zoom session here”

Recommended: Taigen Dan Leighton will be giving a dharma talk on Huayen and Dogen. Teachings on Temporality on October 27, by zoom, during our usual Sunday program.

Registration for the class by email to info@mkzen.org
Suggested donation: $60.00

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to Nov 30


  • Milwaukee Zen Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A Zen Practice Period offers a deeper insight into the three jewels: buddha, dharma, and sangha. Regular zazen, bowing and chanting practice, walking, working, and eating together with other sangha members, study of scriptures and commentaries, dharma discussions and ceremonies create a rich tapestry for everybody to enjoy.

The theme for this fall is ENTRY INTO THE REALM OF REALITY,
the Gandavyuha, final book of the Avatamsaka Sutra.

There will be Sunday talks, including a talk by a guest speaker, dealing with the text.

The book of the Gandavyuha Sutra is out of print. We will have a few copies of the Avatamsaka Sutra in the library for reading on the premises . It is also available as PDF, which I can send out by request.

Let me know if you are interested in making a commitment by sending an email to info@mkzen.org. You will be filling out a form on which you may choose whatever events you are able to attend.

Please sign up separately for the class.

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11:30 AM11:30

JUKAI Ceremony - Receiving the Bodhisattva Precepts

Three of our sangha members, Fay Akindes, Eli Lu and Meg Lucks, will receive the Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts in a traditional ceremony on Sunday, September 22, after the dharma talk.

The three candidates have prepared for this occasion for the last six months by sewing their own replica of the Buddha’s robe (in a miniature version called rakusu). They studied the meaning of the precepts and have begun to incorporate them into their lives.

Families and friends of the ordainees, as well as sangha members, are invited to this joyful event. Please register with Reirin by sending an email to info@mkzen.org.

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8:00 AM08:00

Autumnal Equinox

This year’s Autumnal Equinox falls on September 22 at 7:44 am CDT, though we celebrate on the 21st. It is only a brief moment when the Sun appears directly over the Earth’s equator before crossing into the other hemisphere.

We have reached the halfway point between the longest and shortest day of the year. The autumnal equinox heralds the arrival of a darker and colder season in the northern hemisphere. The temperatures will be getting lower and the leaves change color.

We are reminded to reflect on how impermanence and the short duration of our lives are a natural part of our existence. Deeply understanding this, we experience the beauty of life.

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7:00 AM07:00

HALF-DAY Sitting

You are invited to a peaceful morning of silent sitting. This is a good start for a beginning sitter, to try out a longer period.

September 21 is also the day of the Autumnal Equinox. We will celebrate it in a short ceremony during morning service.

We offer a vegetarian oryoki breakfast. Let Reirin know if you have any dietary needs. Bring your own oryoki bowls or borrow some from us.

This will be the day before JUKAI, and ordinands are strongly encouraged to attend, as preparation for receiving the Bodhisattva Precepts!

Fee: $20 for non-members; membership discount applies.
Please register by email: info@mkzen.org

You may also join by Zoom: 349 905 3117 password: 2825

7:00 am zazen
7:30 kinhin
7:40 zazen

8:10 morning service
8:20 oryoki breakfast
9:10 soji and break

10:00 zazen
10:30 dharma talk
11:00 short break

11:10 zazen
11:40 kinhin
11:50 zazen

12:20 pm noon service
12:30 end of day

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7:30 AM07:30

FULL MOON Bodhisattva Ceremony

Every month, on the full moon morning, we renew our bodhisattva precepts in an ancient ceremony:
This month, on Tuesday, September 17, at 7:30 am, in the place of morning service, after zazen.
The whole morning will be available on ZOOM.

The full moon has a special meaning in Zen: As it is reflected in each dewdrop, so is buddhanature reflected in each of us.

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2:00 PM14:00

Half-Day Retreat at Siena Center

Join us for a quiet afternoon in the relaxed setting of the Siena Retreat Center in Racine.

5637 Erie St, Racine, WI 53402
Cost: $12.00 per person

2:00 introduction
2:20 zazen
2:50 kinhin
3:00 dharma talk/Q&A
3:30 outside walking meditation
4:00 zazen
4:30 informal tea/conversation
5:20 zazen
5:50 service
6:00 end of day

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7:00 AM07:00

ZAZENKAI One-Day Sitting

Join us for a peaceful day of silent sitting, walking meditation, a short dharma talk, moving and/or outdoor walking meditation, chanting services and two formal meals.

There will be time for dokusan. Please sign up.

This event will be broadcast by zoom teleconferencing.
Use the same zoom link as usual by clicking on the button on the website.

We will have formal oryoki breakfast and lunch. Oryoki bowls can be borrowed.
The food is vegetarian, and you may contact me with special needs.

Please register by sending an email to info@mkzen.org.

Fee for non-members is $30; membership discounts apply.

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