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ZAZENKAI One-Day Sesshin

  • Milwaukee Zen Center 2825 N Stowell Ave Milwaukee, WI 53211 USA (map)

Join us for a peaceful day of silent sitting, walking meditation, a short dharma talk, moving meditation and chanting services: usual morning service with Heart Sutra in English, Harmony of Difference and Equality for noon service, and Loving Kindness Meditation for evening service.

This event will be broadcast by zoom teleconferencing. Please make an effort to stay with us for the whole day, if you can. That will give you the greatest benefit and is also respectful towards the other participants.
Please use the same link as usual: ID 349 905 3117, password 2825
Donation to the Center are appreciated!


7:00 am zazen
7:30 kinhin
7:40 zazen
8:10 morning service
8:20 breakfast break

8:50 zazen
9:20 kinhin
9:30 zazen
10:00 dharma talk
10:30 tea break

10:50 zazen
11:20 kinhin
11:30 zazen
12:00 pm noon service
12:10 lunch break

1:00 zazen
1:30 kinhin
1:40 zazen
2:10 outside walking meditation
2:40 zazen
3:10 tea break

3:40 zazen
4:10 kinhin
4:20 zazen
4:50 evening service
5:00 end of day

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Earlier Event: February 27
Cross Cultural Literacy with Jay English
Later Event: March 8
Environment and Bodhisattva Vow