Let's have a peaceful morning of silent sitting. This is a good start for a beginning sitter, to try out a longer period. The schedule is below.
Please make an effort to participate in the whole retreat. This will give you the greatest benefit and is respectful to others.
Fee: $20, membership discount applies.
You may also join by Zoom: 349 905 3117 password: 2825
Everybody will be muted until check-in, when you may make comments or ask questions.
7:00 am zazen
7:30 kinhin
7:40 zazen
8:10 morning service
8:20 break
8:40 zazen
9:10 kinhin
9:20 zazen
9:50 kinhin
10:00 dharma talk
10:30 break
10:40 movement meditation
11:10 kinhin
11:20 zazen
11:50 noon service
12:00 check-in / end of day