As Bodhisattvas, we have made vows to support all beings. Since Democracy is still the best political system currently available, to ensure some measure of justice and equity, Milwaukee Zen Center, together with the Milwaukee Buddhist Peace Fellowship, and MICAH, have decided to help protect the process of voting.
In March of 2020, just before we had to close the doors because of COVID, we invited the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, which is a non-partisan organization, to conduct a voter registration training here in the zendo. Many people showed up, and we ran out of chairs. This year we are offering it again and hope that there will be a good response. Liz Aelion from LWVWI has graciously offered us her expertise.
Liz needs to know how many people will attend. Please register at
This is only one step of this kind of work. As in the past, some of our sangha have been election observers and I will again serve as an election chaplain. We also write letters to prospective voters and go out to local neighborhoods to ask people to vote, in a non-partisan way.
If you feel moved to help us with this important effort,
please let Reirin know and register by email: