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BUDDHA'S BIRTHDAY and Dedication of Reeves Sculpture

  • Milwaukee Zen Center 2825 N Stowell Ave Milwaukee, WI 53211 USA (map)

Buddha’s Birthday is traditionally celebrated in the Spring with a festive altar and a Baby Buddha statue in a flower bower. While the community chants, each member comes forward, bows, and offers fragrant water that is showered over the Buddha Baby.

We invite children to join us on this Sunday; the short talk will be the story of Buddha Shakyamuni’s birth, and for the ceremony we will go outside and also enjoy tea, juice and cookies.

Last year, after Joanne Lehman’s death, her friend Janine gave us a sculpture by the artist John Reeves that she had inherited. Janine expects that it will be appreciated by more people in our front yard than at her house. Now, as the pandemic is slowing down and most people have been vaccinated, it is a good time for a formal dedication.

Please join us for one or both events, either in person (10 people max. in the zendo) or by zoom:

Buddha's Birthday.JPG
John Reeves, Portal-Stone $12,000.JPG
Earlier Event: May 15
Later Event: May 17
BEING-TIME, Six Classes