March 2019

Hello Friends,

Welcome to my first blog post on this site! I will try to update it frequently and let you know about what’s happening at MZC and also personal stories that may concern the Sangha.

Most of you know that I live in an apartment on the second floor of this house that is owned by Milwaukee Zen Center. I am usually at home, and when you are in the area, please feel free to check in any time. You may sit in our beautiful zendo and enjoy the peace and quiet, even outside of the schedule.

Since September of 2015, I have been the Resident Priest at MZC, and I love the city and the Buddhist community here. After having lived for 35 years in California, I had to adjust to the Midwest. Maybe it was easy for me because of my being German. I enjoy experiencing the seasons and the clear light near Michigan Lake, especially now as the days are getting longer again and Spring is in the air!

You’ll hear from me soon again…

In gassho, Reirin