Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee Meeting and News Conference

A new executive director was elected, following the retirement of Tom Heinen, who has led the organisation for 10 years. Pardeep Singh Kaleka, from the Milwaukee Sikh Community, has a national reputation as peace builder. The basic understanding of Sikhism is that All Are One, and even after a fatal shooting at the temple in 2012, the members did not seek revenge, but responded with kindness. Pardeep has befriended a former white supremacist and together with him wrote a book “The Gift Of Our Wounds”. They also founded an organisation Serve 2 Unite. A former policeman, he lectures widely and teaches children about peace and forgiveness.

Members of the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee with Tom Heinen (first left) and Pardeep Kaleka (next to Tom)

Members of the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee with Tom Heinen (first left) and Pardeep Kaleka (next to Tom)