Becoming a Bodhisattva - Ecosattva

Most of us are aware by now that we are living in an ecological crisis. This is not news, but it has taken major catastrophes all over the world to bring this fact home.

A large group of Zen teachers have been meeting by zoom to come to terms with the facts of fires, floods, disappearing species, melting glaciers and other disasters that are threatening habitat, livelihood and finally survival of living creatures. How can we bring this awareness to our sanghas, and how can we encourage Zen students to become ecosattvas?

David Loy, a professor of Buddhist philosophy and a teacher in the Sanbo Zen tradition, has created a way to bring awareness to interdependence of humans with our world around us. Here is a link to an interview he gave recently on TRICYCLE:

As Buddhists we have this opportunity to see clearly, gain strength through practice, and share both the grief and the comfort in our sanghas. We are currrently studying and practicing the paramitas; they are uniquely able to guide us through these trying times. The practices of generosity, ethical conduct, patience, effort, meditation, and wisdom become perfections when we see them through large lenses, letting go of the small self, enabling empathy and kindness towards all beings.

Two books that have been helpful in framing these ancient practices are Reb Anderson’s Entering the Mind of Buddha. Zen and Six Heroic Practices of Bodhisattvas, and Norman Fischer’s The World Could Be Otherwise. Imagination and the Bodhisattva Path.

Another article that I find extremely helpful in understanding our predicament and how we can meet the changes ahead is by Peter Russell: What If There Were No Future?

On another note:

The Wisconsin Interfaith Civic Engagement Project invites us to a kick-off event for Bridging Faiths for a Stronger Democracy, an evening of information on the intersection between faith and social justice and the do’s and don’ts for tax-exempt faith communities. Thursday, February 13, 2020 6:00 to 8:30 pm, at the First Unitarian Society 1342 N Astor St Milwaukee, WI 53202 Vegetarian pizza and drinks will be served
