The interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee, together with Souls to the Polls, organized a press conference on Monday, 11/7, in City Hall for diverse faith leaders. It became an urgent call for voting in this midterm election that would have consequences for citizens.
In October, I spent a Sunday afternoon non-partisan canvassing near Sherman Park with a few other people of faith (mostly Jewish), who feel that the election may have a stark effect on marginalized faiths.
On November 8, Election Day, I spent many afternoon and evening hours in a parking lot in front of a polling station in Harambee (at 100 ‘ distance from the building) as polling chaplain. Pastor Karen from Tippecanoe Presbyterian Church and I kept each other's spirits up. We had been trained in “Active Bystander” and De-escalation” techniques, in order to be ready for any difficult encounter. Luckily none of that was necessary. People were continuously entering the polling station, happily showing their stickers when the were done voting. A few observers showed up, even two parliamentarians from Scotland! It is obvious that the world was anxiously following the procedures.